Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 important things you should know about Gladiators

•In general, gladiators were condemned criminals, prisoners of war, or slaves bought for the purpose combats
The romans punished slaves and crinimals by forcing them to fight in gladiator fights. Most were killed, only few survived. It was a horrible punishment but people loved watching them.
•Most people would watch gladiator fights in arena's or amphitheatres.
Gladiatorial contests, like chariot races, were originally held in large open spaces with temporary seating; there is evidence that some munerawere held in the Roman Forum, for example. As the games became more frequent and popular, there was need for a larger and more permanent structure. Although the Circus Maximus was often pressed into service because of its huge seating capacity, the Romans eventually designed a building specifically for this type of spectacle (called an amphitheatrum because the seating extended all the way around the oval or elliptical performance area, which was covered with sand, harena). Early amphitheaters, both in Rome and elsewhere, were built of wood, but stone amphitheaters proved to be much more durable
•Women once competed in the gladiatorial arena though not without controversy
It is horrible but true. Woman fought for their rights but the emperor always won and made them fight in the arenaor colosseum against other woman and men.
•The Roman emperor Septimius Severus, allowed women to fight as gladiators
He ruled from 193 to 211 CE and sadly allowed women to fight as gladiators but luckily banned the tradition in 200 CE. Recently, the remains of a young woman who were probably gladiators, approximately 20 years old, were found in Britain.
•Gladiators were paid each time they fought

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