Friday, April 17, 2009

newspaper article


I am Louirisem Sieglee writing in the Daily Roman Newspaper. Today, we will be discussing a very popular and new equipment added to our town. And that is... AQUEDUCT!!! Aqueduct is a great engineering feature just added to our town, it sends fresh water from the river to our houses, schools, and bathing houses! No more having to walk hard hours to the river with heavy buckets, and carrying them back! With this new invention, no one will ever suffer! Everybody is crazy with Aqueducts, and people are making them everwhere, even places outside of our Empire are copying this idea! This craziness has been described as Aqueduct Mania by our scholars. On one completely different thought, our town soothsayer has predicted that there will be a famous band in the future consisting of four men. They will be called the "Beatles" and they will call their fan craziness "Beatle Mania". Of-course, most people don't believe her, and that includes me, what kind of name is "Beatles"?

Anyway, the Aqueduct serves many industrial sites like gold/lead/tin mines, forges, water-mills, and baths!!! These beautiful aqueducts are usually made mostly of rocks, cement, and clay (you can see that they look beautiful in all the pictures on this website). Tomorrow, we will also be meeting in the main hall for a job assignment of aqueduct builders. Our old builders are nice enough to have offered this job to whoever wants it. Anyone who has been assigned this job should be proud of building this new and exciting equipment. As of next week we will be getting fresh water from the river, courtesy of the wonderful Aqueduct.

(approx. 272 words)

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