Monday, April 20, 2009

Aqueducts Today

There were many aqueducts that served Rome as well as ones that provided other Roman cities with water. The Aqua Appia was the first aqueduct to serve Rome. Aqua Anio Vetus, Aqua Marcia, Aqua Claudiaand Aqua Anio Novus were other aqueducts that flowed to Rome. They were supplied by the Anio River. The Aqua Appia was 10.5 miles long. Forty years after the completion of the Appia, the Anio Vetus was being built. It length was 40 miles long. Other aqueducts to Rome included the Aqua Tepula, Aqua Julia, Aqua Virgo, Aqua Alsietina, Aqua Hadriana, and the Aqua Augusta. Ancient Rome and the surrounding countryside must have been quite a site. The beauty and mystery of these incredible structures can still be experienced today. Rome is not the only area in which aqueducts were utilized. Many other countries used the same technology to solve their own water problems. Aqueducts were found in the old Spanish towns of Tarraco, Merida, and Segovia. The Segoviaaqueduct probably dates to the first century. Its grandeur and cost of construction would indicate that Segovia was a very important Roman city. However, the city was not on a major road and it was hardly mentioned in ancient sources. Many of the aqueducts were equally splendid but did not survive. The Segovia aqueduct still delivers water to the city. Other aqueducts still in existence are Pont du Gard in France,Aqueduct of Valence in Istanbul , Medieval aqueduct in Sulmona, the old aqueduct at Napoli Sotterranea , the Ottoman Aqueduct, and the remains of an aqueduct beyond the French Rivieria 10 miles south of Mons. Today aqueducts may be found in California . The aqueduct is a technology that has survived the test of time. Yes, aqueducts are history but they are also progress.

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