Friday, April 24, 2009

•  Most people would watch gladiator fights in arena's, colosseum  or amphitheatres.

   They watched it in arena's and amphitheatres because those two places are big enough to fit a lot of people, and a lot of people went to gladiator fights. A lot of people went to gladiator fights because fighting one another and other animals was a main sport in Roman days.  Colosseums were some of the most used places for gladiators to fight. The amphitheatre was the one place in which the execution of justice was uniquely visible to all classes, and in which all classes were mutually visible. Its layout separated and distanced them from the "pollution" of the arena. It was also one of the few places in which crowd and editor could assess each others character and temperament, and freely express their mutual pleasure or displeasure – for most spectators.
  • Roman Gladiators were paid after every fight
     Gladiators were paid alot of money after every fight if they survive and would be freed after 3-5 years. Most Roman gladiators became very wealthy and lived a very luxurious live after they were freed. Some nobles and normal citizens wanted to become gladiators because they wanted fame, wealth or both, even though it meant pain and death. Also, some gladiators stayed in the arena even if they were freed because they wanted to become wealthier, more fame, or they liked killing. 

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